Responsible investing

We believe that responsible investing is fundamental to achieving a better and more sustainable risk-return profile across our portfolio.

At CBPE, we take the full range of our ESG responsibilities seriously, from critical business decisions to day-to-day operations.

View our ESG policy

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A message from our Co-Heads of ESG

At CBPE, we have an established track record of investing responsibly and have fully embedded our comprehensive ESG programme into our investment strategy.

We strongly believe in the importance of implementing ESG best practices across each of our portfolio companies by working closely alongside our management teams to manage and mitigate any potential risks while creating sustainable long-term growth.

Each year, in collaboration with external experts, we engage and evaluate the ESG performance of our portfolio companies. It enables us to identify their strengths, opportunities, and provide actionable recommendations. As Co-Heads, we are proud of the ongoing achievements made by each portfolio company.

We remain dedicated to empowering our businesses and our people to embrace the very best ESG practices, compliance and innovation in order to create a better environment and society for our future generations.

View the full report

Across our portfolio we focus on the following areas:

To underline our commitment to understanding our impact on the planet and how we can reduce our footprint, all of our portfolio companies measure their greenhouse gas emissions.

Across our portfolio, all of our companies have committed to a Net Zero target and, in addition, we are proud to say the whole portfolio is carbon neutral (Scope 1 + 2) through reduction, removal and offsetting their greenhouse gas emissions through verifiable projects.

At CBPE, we have also made a Net Zero commitment, as well as measure our carbon footprint (Scope 1, 2 and 3) and offset our emissions via United Nations Carbon Offset projects. Furthermore, each year, we personally plant trees in the UK, creating a legacy for the next generation of investors while we offset our emissions in the short term.


Investing responsibly

We work with our portfolio companies to develop long-term, sustainable strategies, creating value and driving success within our investments. Within our portfolio, there is an enormous amount of expertise and knowledge, and we see our role as supporting them with the tools to maximise their opportunities.

We have reviewed our responsible investment processes to support our approach on ESG, generated fund-level KPIs aligned to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment and Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and annually review the maturity of ESG management within the portfolio.

In April 2022, we became a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) and are committed to applying and following the UN PRI’s six principles. We build the Principles for Responsible Investment and the UN Global Compact Ten Principles into our strategy, operations, and overall approach to ESG.

PRI / TCFD / ICL logos

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Portfolio ESG management and process

ESG is evolving, and at CBPE we are at the forefront of best practice.

Our end to end ESG programme covers all stages of the deal cycle aimed at both identifying and managing ESG risks pre-investment, and creating and protecting value in alignment with UN PRI Principles.

Prior to investing, we carry out due diligence via third party experts:

  • Detailed materiality assessment to identify specific risks, opportunities, and actions to help understand what is required post-investment
  • Share information about ESG risks and opportunities with the Investment Committee, to consider as part of the investment decision

Responsible Investment in Practice

In line with frameworks and standards such as the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), World Economic Forum (WEF), Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and others, we have developed an ESG programme focused on the four P's.


Our approach to the environment, helps create value for our portfolio companies by becoming more efficient and sustainable. We support our teams to measure and manage their carbon footprint as a priority along with developing long-term, sustainable strategies as part of our commitment to mitigate the impact we have on our planet.

Our portfolio companies also identify and assess their exposure, risks and opportunities that may arise as global temperatures continue to rise. Understanding the risk and opportunity arising from climate change helps our businesses to become resilient.


of our investments measured their Scope 1 and 2 carbon footprint in addition to two companies making Net Zero commitments


Employee Engagement and Diversity & Inclusion are key areas of focus to help create value.

To attract the diverse, talented workforce all businesses need, it is essential to create an accepting, inclusive and supportive working environment for everyone.

We commit to supporting a diverse and inclusive workplace, with engaged staff who face zero harassment and discrimination.


of our investment businesses have a Diversity and Inclusion policy.


To protect value across our portfolio we believe through robust governance and management, our companies can make a positive contribution to their communities along with managing and assessing risk.

ESG is reported at the highest levels across our portfolio to ensure best practise is followed on issues such as whistleblowing, grievance management, and business ethics.


100% of our investment businesses have policies on managing grievances, harassment and bullying and working hours


Cybercrime is a significant risk to all businesses. As the threat continues to rise globally, we want to ensure our portfolio companies are adequately equipped to address it.

We support our companies with annual cybersecurity reviews and scoring in order to assess their current status and potential exposure. Working with the teams, we create bespoke action plans to improve and minimise any risks highlighted. Our approach enables both CBPE and our portfolio companies to understand their progress, and use insights gained from across the portfolio to continually strengthen their approach.


of our investment businesses have a data privacy policy



Our portfolio companies are continuously improving and creating value, as highlighted by the achievements across the portfolio:

Responsible Investing


Our largest impact comes from supporting our portfolio companies and management teams, helping cultivate and advance robust ESG practices that will extend beyond our tenure. At CBPE we recognise the importance of minimising our carbon footprint, supporting the well-being of our team, and maintaining sound governance within our organisation.


At CBPE we measure our scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions with the majority considered indirect emissions falling within Scope 3. Since recording our greenhouse gas emissions we have successfully reduced our tCO2e year and year through a combination of reducing and removing strategy. In order to offset the remaining balance we work with the United Nations Carbon Offset projects enabling us to be carbon neutral as a firm.

Annually, the CBPE team spends a day planting trees. The activity brings everyone together to appreciate our impact on the environment and create a long lasting benefit to help tackle climate change.



The past few weeks at CBPE have provided me with an immensely valuable learning experience. I have really appreciated the opportunity to learn alongside the highly talented team, allowing me to practically apply the knowledge I had acquired during university. The team were extremely supportive and friendly, and my internship at CBPE flew by. It has set me up for the beginning of my career

Previous CBPE Intern

At CBPE we aim to foster a positive work environment that supports the growth and success of each individual. Its important our people enjoy their work, feel valued and realise their full potential.

We ensure everyone benefits from the breath of work and opportunities available, enriching their knowledge by leveraging our network of experts through our lunch and learn initiative. In addition we ensure the team is update to date with all regulatory and compliance requirements.

Recognising the value of diversity in CBPE, we partner with Level20, an organisation dedicated to enhancing gender diversity within the private equity sector. We are active members, with the team contributing to roundtables and acting as mentors to members of Level 20. At CBPE we also support the 10,000 Black Interns initiative and Girls are INvestors by offering internships each year. Furthermore we are supporters of Out Investors, a global organisation that was founded with the mission to make the direct investing industry more welcoming for LGBT+ individuals.

Demonstrating our commitment to social responsibility, we actively contribute to charitable causes and supported ReachOut, an organisation focused on providing mentorship to young people from underprivileged backgrounds across the UK. In 2022, we participated in the ReachOut Relay which raised over £30,000 for the charity. In teams of three, we travelled over 200 miles, walking, running, swimming, and cycling, also serving as an opportunity for our team to build great relationships outside of work.



We are registered with the FCA and adhere to the provisions outlined in the Alternative Investment Fund Manager Directive (AIFMD).

To mitigate conflicts of interest and the assurance of sound risk management practices, we have a robust risk management policy in place. We adhere to the Good Practice guidelines (FSA's communication to the International Organisation of Securities Commissions) and align with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines laid out by the BVCA and Invest Europe. We are active members of the BVCA with our Managing Partner, Sean Dinnen, being a member of the UK & European Capital Committee.

Our investment decisions are guided by rigorous due diligence procedures. We complete comprehensive due diligence for all investments, including market analysis, business plan assessments, evaluation of the potential for value creation, assess ESG performance, and carry out risk analysis. These measures collectively help us to make informed and prudent investment choices.

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Data protection is at the core of our business. We diligently operate within the parameters set by the Data Protection Act of 2018, which guarantees that we adhere to lawful, fair, and transparent data management practices.

In alignment with these principles, we adopt several measures to bolster security. This includes meticulously configuring IT access based on staff roles, using encryption protocols, and delivering comprehensive IT training to all members of our team.

To ensure the robustness of our cybersecurity measures, we conduct routine tests to identify vulnerabilities. Additionally, we have a third-party entity to conduct a comprehensive cybersecurity review to maintain the highest levels of digital protection through being Cyber Essentials certified.


Community partners

We’re proud to support the following organisations

The Royal Marsden Logo
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Social Responsibility


We believe in having a positive impact on our community and incorporate good ESG practices in how we manage our firm, work with portfolio companies and engage with our local communities. From crucial business decisions to day-to-day life, we are incorporating ESG into every aspect of our approach. Each year we select charities to support, raise awareness and funds, in addition to supporting the wide range of initiatives across our portfolio companies

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